Rationality - Universal and Plural? A praxeological contribution to the debate between universalist modernists and contextualist postmodernists Timely Thoughts, Lanham 2007: 1-21 ISBN 978 07618 3776 3 |
Vitskapsteoretiske perspektiv på kunnskap og makt. Maktutgreiinga rapportserie nr. 37 Oslo 2002 ISBN 82-92028-41-2 |
A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences Read at Shanghai Academy for the Social Sciences, September 18 2012 |
Revidert Likeverd, red. Arild Holt-Jensen Res Publica 2015: 65-80 ISBN 9788282260565 |
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Sist oppdatert: 31. juli 2018