SKIRBEKK, Gunnar (n. 1937, Norvège), professeur à l’Institut de philosophie et au Centre d’études de la recherche scientifique de l’Université de Bergen.
Études à l’université d’Oslo 1957-59, à Paris 1960-61 et à Tübingen 1961-62. Research assistant de Herbert Marcuse et Avrum Stroll à l’université de Californie à San Diego (UCSD) 1966-67; dr.philos. Université de Bergen à 1970; recherche à UCSD 1979-80, 1983 et 1991.
Vie académique (information additionnelle: Notes in retrospect)
Maître assistant à l’institut de philosophie de l’université de Bergen 1962, maître de conférence à 1964, professeur de philosophie des sciences à 1979, nommé professeur (fonctionnaire d’État) par le Roi au Conseil d’État le 22 décembre 1978.
Fondateur du Centre d’études de la recherche scientifique (SVT), de l’université de Bergen 1987, directeur du centre 1987-1991, 1995-1997 et 2001-2003.
Enseigné «Technology and Human Values» pendent un semestre en 1983 à UCSD, avec professeur Georgios Anagnostopoulos. Professeur invité à l’université de Nice - Sophia Antipolis, le printemps 1997. Advisory professor à l’Ecole Normale de la Chine de l’Est (ECNU), à Shanghai, dès 1998. Professeur à l’institut de philosophie à l’Université Libre (FU) de Berlin, 2000-2001.
Membre de la direction de l’Institut nordique de philosophie 1981-1998. Membre de la direction du Conseil Norvégien de Recherche (NAVF) 1987-89. Membre du groupe de recherche «Ethics – A Just Society», Center for Advanced Studies (CAS), à l’,Académie norvégienne des sciences et des arts, 1995-1996. Membre de la commission nommée par le gouvernement pour une révision de la paragraphe 100 de la Constitution Norvégienne (de 1814) sur la liberté d’expression, 1996-1999.
Avec Shijun Tong, fondateur (1994) et directeur (1994-2005) de Marco Polo, un programme de recherche de modernisation culturelle en Europe et à l’Asie orientale, à l’Université de Bergen et East China Normal University (Shanghai). Avec Helga Hernes, foundeur et directeur d’un groupe interdisciplinaire de théorie politique, pour des séminaires annuels (à Ustaoset), financés par le Conseil Norvégien de Recherche (NAVF), établi à 1975.
Coéditeur de Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift [Journal philosophique de Norvège] 1979-1983; membre de la direction éditoriale de Praxis International 1980-1993. Avec Jürgen Habermas, Hilary Putnam († 2016) et Patrick Suppes († 2014), membre du conseil rédactionel de Philosophical Analysis (Shanghai) dès 2010. Membre du comité scientifique de la Revue Noesis, chez le Centre de recherches en histoire des idées, Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis, 2014. Membre de international editiorial board pour Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, 2019. Membre du Conseil Consultative International, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica, 2019.
Lauréat du prix d’honneur Lauritz Meltzer pour «recherche excellente à l’université de Bergen » de la période1990-1996. Membre de la Société Royale Norvégienne des Sciences et des Lettres et de l’Académie Norvégienne des Sciences et des Arts. Publié en 26 langues.
Themes and projects
Existentialism: the problem of evil and a search for universally valid principles, in a post-WWII-setting. Nihilisme? Eit ungt menneskes forsøk på å orientere seg, 1958; Nihilism? A Young Man’s Search for Meaning, 1972. Literary essays in Ord, 1984, and Undringa, 2002.
Praxeology: case-oriented studies of what is necessarily (and most often ‘tacitly’) presupposed in basic human acts of different kinds; early Heidegger versus late Wittgenstein. Praxeology. An Anthology, ed./co-auth., 1983.
Theory of Truth: first, Heidegger’s theory of truth, in a critical analytic perspective, Dei filosofiske vilkår for sanning, 1966, Truth and Preconditions. An Interpretation of Heidegger’s Theory of Truth, 1970; later, by the pragmatic turn, focusing on arguments in public reasoning and self-reflection, both as to universality and contextuality (in between Apel, Habermas, and late Wittgenstein), e.g. Rationality and Modernity. Essays in Philosophical Pragmatics, 1993; Wahrheitstheorien, ed./co-auth., 1977; “Wahrheit und Begründung. Überlegungen zu epistemischen Begriffen und Praktiken“ in Reflexion und Verantwortung, co-ed./co-auth., 2003.
Transcendental Pragmatics, conceived melioristically, focusing on improvement, in critical self-reflection, public reasoning, and ‘thinking through examples’, e.g. by ‘arguments from absurdity’. Mutual learning-processes and mutual recognition as fallible and reasonable human beings, by discursive will-formation. E.g. Rationality and Modernity. Essays in Philosophical Pragmatics, 1993; Timely Thoughts. Modern Challenges and Philosophical Responses: Contributions to Inter-Cultural Dialogues, 2007; “On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Transcendental Pragmatics for Life. A historical perspective on the late Frankfurt School (Apel, Habermas, Wellmer)”, 2016.
Political theory: neo-marxism, alienation, critique of ideology, Nymarxisme og kritisk dialektikk, 1970; Er ideologiane døde? ed./co-auth., 1970. The notion of a Welfare State under difficult conditions, “The Idea of a Welfare State in a Future Scenario of Great Scarcity”, in The Rationality of the Welfare State, 1996: 28-54; updated version, Ideen om ein velferdsstat under vanskelege vilkår, 2015. The notion of citizenship in modern democracies haunted by multiple and complex crises. Personal autonomy (Mündigkeit) as a regulative idea. E.g. Krise og medansvar (Crisis and co-responsibility), 2016.
Eco-philosophy: Marxism and ecology, “Marxisme et écologie”, Esprit 11/1974, English version in The Greening of Marxism, 1996: 129-136. Science and ecology, “Technological expertise and global ethics in an age of scientization and ecological crisis”, Timely Thoughts, 2007. Capitalism and ecology, The Commercial Ark, co-ed./co-auth., 1992, The Notion of Sustainability, ed./co-auth., 1994, Økonomi, økologi, etikk, 1999. Ethical gradualism, in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 31/1995; revised English version, “Ethical Gradualism, beyond Anthropocentrism and Biocentrism?” in Environment, Embodiment, and Gender, 2005: 149-177.
Philosophy of the sciences and the humanities: Objektivitetsproblemet i vitskapane, ed./co-auth., 1984. Vit og vitskap, 1998. Vitskapsteori – positive eller kritisk? 2004. “A crisis in the humanities?”, Timely Thoughts, 2007. At Senter for vitskapsteori (Center for the studies of the sciences and the humanities), when it was established at the University of Bergen in 1987, there was a research project (financed by the Norwegian Research Council) called “Modernitet – differensiering og rasjonalisering” (Modernity – differentiation and rationalization, in a Weberian sense). See next theme:
Theory of Modernization, conceived in terms of development of different scientific/scholarly and practice-based forms of rationality and ‘tacit knowing’ (not merely instrumental rationality, but also interpretive and argumentative rationality), historically situated in decisive actors, institutions, and collective experiences. A focus on general modernization processes, but also on special ones – e.g. in Scandinavia: Multiple Modernities. A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences, 2011 (Norwegian version Norsk og moderne, 2010). These countries are characterized by general trust, rule of law, and a general and generous welfare state – how come? (Cf Francis Fukuyama’s ideal: “getting to Denmark!”) Also, in a modern world: general pathologies and challenges; imbalance between institutions; imbalance between institutions and their cultural preconditions; globalized, technology-based capitalism, with ecological challenges, and mass migration. Also in Krise og medansvar, 2016. Short version: ‘Processes of Modernisation; Scandinavian Experiences’, Transcultural Studies, 14/2018: 133-149.
History of Western Thought: A history of philosophy from ancient Greece to the twentieth century, with special emphasis on the history of the sciences and the humanities and on political thinking. English version, A History of Western Thought, 2000, together with Nils Gilje since 1987. Available in 18 languages. Norwegian original, Filosofihistorie, first version 1970, 8th edition 2007.
Freedom of expression: its justification and challenges, Vit og vitskap, 1998: 88-128. Member of the Norwegian commission for the revision of § 100 (on freedom of expression) in the Norwegian Constitution (1993-1996). Freedom of expression as a precondition for science and democracy, not merely a “western value”. E.g. “On the normative foundation of the freedom of expression: the same freedom for all expressions?” in I første, andre og tredje person. Festskrift for Audun Øfsti, 1999: 319-326. “Ytringsfridom i ei globalisert verd. Med striden om Muhammed-teikningane friskt i minne: korleis kan vi grunngje rettsprinsippet om ytringsfridom i eit globalisert verdssamfunn? ” Årbok for Det norske videnskaps-akademi 2007:266-282. Religion in modern societies, 2024: 37-54.
Religion: the problem of evil in monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and its theological and practical implications (cf Nihilism? 1958). The inherent need for an open and enlightened critique of religion. The need to avoid unintended blasphemy among strong believers without cultural enlightenment. E.g.Herausforderungen der Moderne aus wissenschaftsphilosophischer Sicht, 2012. Challenges caused by a politicization of religion, without the moderating virtues of cultural enlightenment (be it in the Middle East or the Mid-West); especially in cases of “half-modernization” in terms of modern weaponry and means of communication and premodern mentalities and actions (as in ISIL and Boko Haram). Krise og medansvar, 2016: 67-120. Religion i moderne samfunn [Religion dans les sociétés modernes], 2021. Religion in modern societies, 2024.
Crisis in the modern world: The modern world is in crisis, a double crisis, as it were: at the factual level, with various challenges that tend to interact and reinforce each other, and at the epistemic level, where no single science or expertise alone can grasp the complexity of what is going on. In this publication, such basic epistemic challenges are addressed, critically and constructively; and in this perspective four current cases are discussed and assessed, such as the United Nations Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. On this background, some proposals for epistemic and institutional improvements are considered. Cp. Gunnar Skirbekk, Epistemic Challenges in a Modern World. From “fake news” and “post truth” to underlying epistemic challenges in science-based risk-societies. LIT Verlag, Zeitdiagnose, Zürich 2019.
Publications (livres)
- Nihilisme?, Oslo, 1958 (quatrième éd. 2024; en anglais 1972, 2. éd. 1998).
- Dei filosofiske vilkår for sanning. Ei tolking av Martin Heideggers sanningslære [Les présupposés de la vérité. Une interprétation de la théorie de la vérité chez Heidegger], Oslo, 1966 (2. éd. Bergen, 1999: Om sanninga sitt vesen).
- Er ideologiane døde? [Les idéologies, sont-elles mortes?], éd. et co-auteur, Oslo, 1969.
- Nymarxisme og kritisk dialektikk [Neomarxisme et dialectique critique], Oslo, 1970.
- Truth and Preconditions, Bergen, 1970.
- Innføring i politisk teori [Introduction à la théorie politique], Bergen, 1970.
- Politisk filosofi [Philosophie politique], Bergen, 1972, 2. éd. 1976 ; version révisée de Innføring i politisk teori.
- Økologi og filosofi [Écologie et philosophie], Oslo, 1972.
- Wahrheitstheorien, éd. et co-auteur, Frankfurt a.M., 1977.
- Filosofihistorie [Histoire de la philosophie], Bergen/Oslo, 1980 ; version révisée de Politisk filosofi. Nouvelles éditions 1987, 1992, 1996, 2000 et 2007. Dès 1987, avec Nils Gilje; 2007, en collaboration avec Anne Granberg, Cathrine Holst et Rasmus Slaattelid. Édition allemande 1993; danoise et suédoise 1995; bokmål 1996; édition islandaise 1999; russe 2000; anglaise 2001; ouzbek 2002 (nouvelle préface); chinoise 2004 (postscript par Shijun Tong); édition élargie 2016; tadjik 2004 (nouvelle préface); édition turque 2004; azéri et française (nouvelle préface par Jean-Luc Gautero) 2010; arabe (nouvelle préface) 2012 ; coréenne 2016; serbe 2017; iranienne 2024.
- Praxeology, éd. et co-auteur, Oslo, 1983.
- Ord [Mots], Oslo, 1984.
- Manuscripts on Rationality, Bergen, 1984; version révisée, Bergen, 1992.
- Objektivitetsproblemet i vitskapane [Problèmes d’objectivité des sciences], Bergen, 1984, éd. et co-auteur.
- Til Djevelens forsvar og andre essays [Une défense du diable, et d’autres essais], Bergen, 1987.
- Die pragmatische Wende, co-éd. et co-auteur, Francfort, 1987.
- Modernitet - rasjonalisering og differensiering [Modernité - rationalisation et différenciation], éd. et co-auteur, Bergen, 1988.
- Vernunft und Verantwortung, Bergen, 1992.
- Kulturell modernitet og vitskapleg rasjonalitet [Modernité culturelle et recherche scientifique], Bergen, 1992.
- Eco-Philosophical Manuscripts, Bergen, 1992.
- The Commercial Ark. A Book on Ecology, Evolution and Ethics, co-éd. et co-auteur, Oslo, 1992.
- Geschichte der Philosophie, Francfort., 1993, avec Nils Gilje.
- Rationalité et Modernité, Paris, 1993.
- Rationality and Modernity, Essays in Pragmatic Philosophy, Oslo/Oxford, 1993.
- The Notion of Sustainability, co-éd. et co-auteur, Oslo, 1994.
- Philosophy Beyond Borders. An Anthology of Norwegian Philosophy, co-éd. et co-auteur, Bergen, 1997. Édition chinoise 1999, édition élargie 2016.
- Vit og vitskap. Postmodernistisk ord-bok om modernitetens babelske forvirring [Sagesse et science. Dictionnaire postmoderne de la confusion moderne], Bergen, 1998.
- Une praxéologie de la modernité. Universalité et contextualité de la raison discursive, Paris, 1999.
- Øko-etikk [Éco-Éthique], Bergen, 1999.
- A History of Western Thought, avec Nils Gilje, Londres, 2001.
- Modernitetens makt og avmakt. Vitskapsteoretiske perspektiv på kunnskap og makt, Oslo, 2002.
- On Pragmatics – Contributions to Current Debates, éd. et co-auteur, Bergen, 2002.
- Undringa [l’Étonnement], essais philosophiques, Oslo, 2002.
- Praxeologie der Moderne, Weilerswist, 2002.
- Reflexion und Verantwortung. Auseinadersetzungen mit Karl-Otto Apel (Festschrift), co-éd. et co-auteur, Francfort, 2003.
- Striden om sanningen [La lutte de la vérité], éd., Göteborg, 2004
- Den filosofiske uroa [L'inquiétude philosophique], Oslo, 2005.
- Religion, Modernity, and Rationality, Bergen, 2006.
- Timely Thoughts. Modern Challenges and Philosophical Responses, Lanham, 2007 ; en chinois, Shi Dai Zhi Si, Shanghai, 2007.
- Rasjonalitet og modernitet, Oslo, 2009.
- Une histoire de la philosophie occidentale, avec Nils Gilje, Paris, 2010.
- Norsk og moderne, Oslo, 2010.
- Multiple Modernities. A Tale of Scandinavian Experiences, Hong Kong, 2011, traduction chinoise 2013.
- Herausforderungen der Moderne aus wissenschaftsphilosophischer Sicht, Berlin, 2012.
- Notes in retrospect. Bergen, 2013. (éd. légèrement révisée, 2024)
- Ideen om ein velferdsstat under vanskelege vilkår [L’idée d’un état de providence sous des conditions difficiles], Bergen, 2015.
- Diskusjonsvegring og maktarroganse [Refus de discussion et arrogance du pouvoir], Bergen, 2015.
- Krise og medansvar. Politiske småskrifter [Crise et co-responsibilité], Oslo, 2016.
- Philosophie der Moderne, Weilerswist, 2017.
- Three Lectures, Bergen, 2018.
- Epistemic Challenges in a Modern World, Zürich 2019. En norvégien, Tidsdiagnose, Bergen 2020.
- Religion i moderne samfunn, Oslo, 2021.
- Religion in modern societies, Oxford/N.Y., 2024.
page personnelle (open access)
(articles norvégiens, nordiques): -> Gunnar Skirbekk
Autres activités:
Gunnar Skirbekk - Notes in retrospect (article)
Après 2013: page personnelle -> liens -> cristin
Information (en norvégien):
Meltzers ærespris, 1990-1996,Ad Meltzerprisen
Gunnar Skirbekk. En kronologisk bibliografi over forfatterskapet 1957-2003, av Svein Sundbø. Nasjonalbibliotekets bibliografier nr. 8, Oslo, 2003.
"Ein vennleg elitist", ved Hilde Kvalvaag,, 20.6.2005
”Universalpragmatikeren. Om Gunnar Skirbekks 50-årige forfatterskap”, ved Svein Sundbø, Prosa 4/2007
Skirbekk, Bjørn Gunnar, Norsk biografisk leksikon, Oslo 2004, bd. 8, side 267, ved Nils Gilje.
Gunnar Skirbekk, ved Jan Inge Sørbø, Store norske leksikon.
Skirbekk/Gilje - Filosofihistorie 50 år UiB 2020, ved Ingrid Endal
Project: Multiple modernities: how to conceptualize processes of modernization.
Crises in modern societies
Last update December 14th 2024